Waltham Road, Boreham
Chelmsford, Essex, CM3 3AY

Tel: (01245) 467505
Email: angliabs@btconnect.com

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D W Parsons
Fireplaces and Stoves


Brick stock constantly change with soft reds, yellow stocks, multi stock, whites and panel bricks some of our range.

Please call with your requirements so we can best advise you.
Selection of Current Stock
View the "Current Stock Selection" for current items. Please call or drop in for more details of our current stock.
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[Click the image for a larger version]
Reclaimed Imperial Mixed Multi Stock Reclaimed Imperial Soft Red Reclaimed Imperial Cambridge White

Reclaimed Imperial Suffolk Whites

Reclaimed Imperial Flooring

Reclaimed Imperial Yellow Stock
Reclaimed/salvaged/second hand stock changes on a daily basis, so please ring for details: (01245) 467505.